
Factor affecting enzyme kinetics :

Factor affecting enzyme kinetics :     1. Temperature : Rate of the reaction increases with increase in temperature for enzymatic reaction up to the certain limit  because substrate colloidal with active site of enzyme when molecule moves rapidly above  that temperature speed of enzymatic reaction drop down sharply because enzymes are made up of proteins and the proteins get the denature  outside the certain range of the temperature, The optimal minimum  temperature is 40 degree Celsius.  The enzyme become inactive temperature over  70 degree The temperature dependence of enzymatic reaction is usually asymmetric. Increase in temperature increases the thermal movement of molecules Initially used to rate acceleration  At certain temperature enzymes become unstable And activity loss as a result of denaturation      2. PH :                     ...

what is active site.....

Active site : As the substrate molecule are comparatively much smaller than the enzyme molecule there should be the some specific reason are site on enzyme for binding with the substrate such a site are called as active side side side or catalytic site.  Features:   Active site occupies relatively small portion of the enzyme  An active site posses  substrate binding site  and catalytic site  the co-enzymes and co-factor on which some enzymes depend    present as part of the catalytic site Substrate binds  at active site with weak non covalent bond or with relative weak  forces 


What is Induced fit hypothesis

Induced fit hypothesis : It is proposed by the Daniel Koshland in 1959 Enzyme module are in inactive form to become active; they must undergo a slight change in the structure to become more specific to accommodate the substrate.  The active site can slightly modify as the substrate interacts with enzymes.   according to this model active site of enzyme is not rigid or preshaped but it is static in nature as soon as substrate come contact with enzyme active site of enzyme undergo conformation changes and reaction is proceed.  induced fit model has sufficient experimental evidences from x-ray diffraction studies