Factor affecting enzyme kinetics :

Factor affecting enzyme kinetics :

    1.Temperature :

  1. Rate of the reaction increases with increase in temperature for enzymatic reaction up to the certain limit  because substrate colloidal with active site of enzyme
  2. when molecule moves rapidly above  that temperature speed of enzymatic reaction drop down sharply because enzymes are made up of proteins and the proteins get the denature  outside the certain range of the temperature,
  3. The optimal minimum  temperature is 40 degree Celsius.
  4.  The enzyme become inactive temperature over  70 degree

  5. The temperature dependence of enzymatic reaction is usually asymmetric.
  6. Increase in temperature increases the thermal movement of molecules Initially used to rate acceleration 
  7. At certain temperature enzymes become unstable And activity loss as a result of denaturation 

    2. PH :

                Just as an enzyme has a optimum temperature, it is also has a PH at which it is                 most active called optimum pH;  Range is 6 to 8 which is nearly neutral.

     Increase in pH value for H+  concentration of medium, controls the activity of                        enzymes to great extent and well shaped curve is obtained.

                 Each enzyme has maximum activity at the particular PH which is optimum pH for                that enzyme.

 it is depend upon :

  1.  nature of the system

  2.  presence of other colloidal 

  3.  age of the tissue

  4.  nature of the substrate

Extremely high or low pH values generally result in complete loss of activity for most enzymes. pH is also a factor in the stability of enzymes. As with activity, for each enzyme there is also a region of pH optimal stability.

3. Enzyme concentration : 

 As enzyme concentration increases the rate of the reaction increases.

At very high concentration of enzyme the concentration of substrate become rate-limiting and rate of the reaction stop increasing

 the relative concentration of the enzyme measured through its activity


4. Substrate concentration :

For given enzyme concentration the weight of the enzyme reaction increases with increasing substrate concentration but at the higher concentration  enzyme molecule become saturated so adding the more substrate does not make much difference

 Reaction observed as :

A) At  low concentration of substrate velocity of the reaction is directly proportional to

  the substrate

       B)  substrate concentration is not directly proportional to the enzyme activity 

       C) Reaction in dependent on substrate concentration

        5.Product concentration :

The product concentration is one of the most important regularity factor.

When product concentration rises above the certain level enough to be utilized by tissue;

There is control mechanism generated  to avoid  a waste production of  product 

Product it self interact with enzyme to stop the further  synthesis of  project

 Thus the  product inhibits  its own synthesis called feedback
